Charly Bliss - Forever. Out Now

August 16, 2024
Charly Bliss - Forever. Out Now

via Lucky Number Music


When we began writing FOREVER, Sam had just discovered he was going to be a father and Eva didn’t know she was about to relocate her entire life to Australia. Since then, all of our lives have been rearranged a thousand times over. We’ve fallen in and out of love, moved apartments, swapped coasts and continents, planned weddings, welcomed babies, applied for visas, and filled many antidepressant prescriptions.All this nonstop change has made it profoundly clear what is permanent; and for all four of us, the through line is Charly Bliss. This album is head over heels, overflowing with romantic love and friend love and crushes and hurricanes of big feeling. We fell back in love with making music while making this record, and you can hear it. We were giddy, thrilled, wide open, and overwhelmed the whole way through. Charly Bliss FOREVER