Label Services

We provide label services directly with artists, managers, and labels, delivering comprehensive support to bring your music to the market. Our team will assist you in devising a tailored release plan and strategy, catering to both established and new artists.

how we work

Republic of Music provides customised Label Services designed to manage every aspect of your release, from its launch to ongoing promotion. We offer global distribution, artist development, and support to help you achieve your objectives effectively.

What We Offer:  

Depending on your needs we can offer services across Manufacturing, Digital and Physical distribution, release strategy, marketing teams, sync and publishing, physical and digital operations management, D2C management, Insights and data analytics, budgeting and digital health checks.

You will receive full access to our online RoM portal, providing real-time worldwide streaming data, full catalogue management, sales reports and accounting statements for all of our partners.

Attentive  project management within our label management department.

Pitching to all global DSPs and retailers, tailored to genre and key territories to help your music reach existing and new audiences.

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